Sunday, October 28, 2012

Individuals Do Matter

The field of History has changed before the 1970s the majority of historians wrote what we call Great Men’s History. The story of the world was told through important individuals. More Recently History has transformed into a larger subject, where those who had not previously had a voice could now speak. It is interesting that we are still having a debate of the importance of individuals when any American 7th grader can tell you American won the revolution because of George Washington or can explain the importance of Abraham Lincoln (think History Channels new series The Men Who Built America). To be honest it doesn’t matter if these people actually had a huge effect on History, because perception is reality, if we think these people are important and that Individuals matter then Individuals can make a difference.
Bringing this specifically to the Middle East there are several examples of Important Individuals. Sadam Hussein, Sadat, Reza Shah, Attaturk, and so many more powerful men (Golda Meir, Let’s not forget the powerful women) have helped shape the Middle East. Some of these men were from the region others have been from outside it, Sykes and Picot, and several American Presidents to name a few. However one individual has had a profound effect on the Middle East and is still affecting it today, a man so important his image can not be shown, The Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him. He is the greatest example of an important individual in the Middle East.

God may have found another follower but he chooses Muhammad whose actions dictate the Hadiths and inspire the salafists. Muhammad relayed the word of God and since it is God’s word in the Quran and not his own, he may not seem to be that important. But his daily life, actions and other sayings are still a large collection of work that Muslims analyzes and try to live by today. Even his sayings are interpreted and fought over. Specifically in the case of the next leader, some Muslims suggest that Muhammad and declared Ali his successor while others disagree strongly. Anyone who suggests that individuals are not important need only look at the effect Muhammad has had on the world.

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