Sunday, September 30, 2012

All Politics Are Local

All Politics are Local


The Middle East is not only a region, but it is also a system of states. These states all have their own domestic politics. These different systems of local politics affect not only what happens internally in these countries but also in the region as a whole. The Idea that all politics are local suggest that the things that happen in one small area, close to the individuals level effect what happens on the international level.

The best way to talk about this idea is through examples

So In Lancaster County many people may not have felt the same economic changes have in other parts of the country. Because of our diverse and locally driven economy as well as a strong tourist industry our local views of the economy are very different then someone who lives in Detroit (fall of the auto industry …need I say more).

So maybe an individual in Lancaster may think things are not as bad as they seem and therefore think we don’t need President Obama to make things better and instead vote for Mitt Romney.

This can work in many different ways that same individual from Lancaster could make their electoral decision off of several local factors, including political parties, Lancaster has a strong local GOP so maybe they would vote for Mitt Romney because of that.


In Lancaster they do it yourself attitude is prevalent among the conservative Mennonites so maybe they would vote for the President because they think he built himself up from nothing whereas Mitt Romney was born into wealth.


The point is reason the political system shifts in different directions is because of the attitudes of individuals on the local level not on how they feel about national policy.

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